Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Outsiders--Episode #2: 3 Years is 3 Years Too Many

The Outsiders

I decided to walk home with Carter, Logan, and Justin. I just wanted to see if he was ok. He was a member of our group and we needed to look out for each other, cause one day we won't have each other. That will be a day I don't want to see.

Carter was fine though. It was like he was never attacked. But me walking them home was the polite thing to do. Especially for an attacked member of our group.

I could tell Logan was eyeing him closely. I don't blame him. His little brother was attacked by a popular. This was Carter's first attack too. Logan needed to look out for him.

Justin didn't say a word or change his expression at all. I know exactly what he was thinking. And he has a right to think so. He was probably thinking that Carter wasn't attacked that bad. It was a fraction of what he had to go through. Now that was terrible.

"I know you're looking at me," Carter said, "I'm fine, Logan."

"I know," said Logan, "but if we didn't show up just imagine what he would've done to you."

That's when Justin snapped, "Stop treating him like the popular broke his arm or something!"

"Justin, calm down," I told him.

He only stopped and stared at me with an angry look, "Calm down? Calm down? That's what you tell me? To calm down?"

"Justin, Mya's right. Just calm down," Logan said.

"How can I calm down when I was given this?" Justin gestured to his scar on his chin, "And my folks didn't even care."

"Now, Justin, you know they cared," Carter said.

"If they did they didn't show any sign of it," Justin said, "They didn't visit me in the hospital, show me any affection when I got home, or comfort me? Why do you think I was scared of populars for so long?"

"We know..." I started to say before I was cut off by Justin.

"No you don't know!" Justin screamed, "You've never been attacked by a popular, Mya!"

This was true. I look like a popular too much. Too much to get attacked by one. It almost seems like I was the only one. But then I remember that Logan hasn't been attacked either. He was just too tall and too muscular.

"Being attacked in 5th grade is hard enough to handle!" Justin continued, "I just can't take any more of this!"

We all can't," said Logan, "we all wish it could get back to the way it was."

"Not as bad as me," Justin said, "3 years is 3 year too many."

"You can say that again," said Carter.

"3 years is 3 years too many," Justin repeated.

I smirked, "It's an expression. But you do kinda need to say it again. Everyone needs to realize it."

Logan nodded, "Mya's got it. Everything needs to stop. I wish it all could just stop. Enough is enough!"

We were all silent. Everyone knows you don't talk to Logan when he's like that. Even Logan shut his trap.  He knew that we had noticed the angry look on his face and the sharp sound in his voice. Trust me, anyone could.

"Well, I'll see ya later," I said as I turned to walk onto my street. One thing was on my mind. Justin was never like that. Not in his life time. But he has a reason to be like that. The rage was building in all of us ever since he had been attacked as bad as he was. You wouldn't want to be attacked like that.

Look out for Truth vs. Different-3 Year is 3 Years Too Many to find out what the next episode will be called. If you look on Google+ for Mya Millir, you can even find a quiz to play. Just put your answer and your email. If you get it right, you'll get the link for the preview. If you get it wrong, it will say, "Better Luck Next Time!"

***********************************Real Quote!!************************************

"3 years is 3 years too many!"----Justin Newman. 

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