Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Outsiders--Episode #3: Siblings Involved

The Outsiders

Episode #3: Siblings Involved

I entered into my house. It wasn't long until I saw my sister come rushing towards me.

That's right I have a sister. I have 3 sisters and a brother. Ellen, Alana, Joey, and Harlei. Ellen's 16, Alana's 10 almost 11, Joey's 5, and Harlei's 2.

Ellen looks nothing like me. She has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair. I'm almost going to pass her height wise, but she will always see me as the little sibling.

Alana looks a little like me. The only difference is her hair is curly and a bright blond instead of me being blondish with golden highlights. Plus, her eyes turned from brown to blue. When I was little people thought Alana and I were twins cause I used to have bright blond hair and Alana's used to be straight. Alana's about a head smaller than me.

Joey has short blond hair, as blond as Alana's. His eyes are brown, so brown it's hard to see the pupils.

Harlei's just 2. She's a sweet little baby that has blond hair and blue eyes.

Anyway, I get home and Ellen's face didn't satisfy me.

"Where have you been?" Ellen asked me.

"Didn't you get my text?" I asked, "I was walking Carter home since he was attacked earlier!"

"You see?" Ellen asked, "THAT'S what I'm worried about. Which phone did you use to text me that?"

"Justin's," I replied, "Mine died."

Ellen sighed, "You know I don't have him in my contacts! I delete all messages from random numbers before seeing them!"

"I didn't know you didn't have him in your contacts!" I screamed back, "He had you in his!"

Ellen shook her head, "Don't do that again you scared me so bad when the bus went by and neither of you got off."

"Scared? Scared of what?" I screamed.

"Scared that you'll be attacked!" Ellen screamed, "If you got attacked I wouldn't be able to live with myself!"

"Stop yelling!" Alana said coming from behind Ellen, "Stop fighting! Mya did something nice for her friend so leave her alone!"

"Stay out of this, Alana," Ellen said.

"No!" Alana said, "You woke Harlei! Stop fighting!"

We were silent. We could hear poor Harlei's crying in the background. Alana was right. We had woken her up.

"I'm about as upset as you are, Ellen," Alana said, "About all this outsider stuff. But I agree with Mya too. She was only comforting her friend after an attack."

Alana's my Sodapop. She understood me the way no one else has and I could tell her everything I could and she'd keep it. Even if it was to our parents.

"Whatever," Ellen  said, "Don't do it again."

I gave out a large sigh, "Thanks, Alana."

She smiled, "Come on, we gotta go and get Georgiana's present for her birthday on Sunday."

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